Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Clean up day!!

We spent the day saturday cleaning up the mess left behind by the saws, nail guns, and workers. Our contractor and his crew have been awesome to work with so I'm not complaining about the soda cans, water bottles and mounds of saw dust and nails left behind everyday. Really I'm not!! haha
As long as they are making progress, I will gladly sweep up behind them.
Besides, they feed Luigi lunch everyday. :)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Things are taking shape

This pictures were taken today 3/24/10. We expecting the framing to be done in just a couple days.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The walls go up!!!!!!!

You have no idea how thrilled we were to see that first wall go up.  The framing is going fast and expected to take a couple weeks.  There is no rain in the forecast we are making great progress. :)

Forward progress!!!!


This should explain the two and a half month absence from posting pictures on this blog. That's right, we had a little........set back, I guess you could say.
The truth is, I'm married to an Italian...need I say anymore.
Call it racial profiling, call it stereo typing, call it whatever you want, but they know it all, all the time.
 Mario was certain that we didn't need to get permits for this enormous project.  Why you ask, because he's Italian I told you and he knows it all!!!!!
So the first week of december the work stopped and the process to get the permits began. It was long, and ridiculously involved but I'm happy to say that it's over and the hammers are once again banging here.
As for Mario........he's still Italian but I just love that big Ragu!!!!